Come learn the art of sharpening mill stones with millwright, Tass Jansen. Millstone dressing, or the sharpening of millstones, is an art unto itself with various theories among millwrights as to the best way to cut and sharpen millstones. In this workshop, Tass Jansen of Jansen Grist Mills will lead participants through the basic anatomy of a millstone: the bedstone, runner, furrows, lands…; will gain an introduction to the use of pneumatic stone carving tools; and will have hands-on practice dressing stones, under the guidance of Tass.
Participants are to bring safety goggles to this class.
WHERE/WHEN: Saturday, April 26nd // 12:30 - 4:00 pm // Carolina Ground (Dock), 1237 Shipp St, Hendersonville, NC
NOTE: This workshop will span two time slots, though you are not required to stay for the duration.
BIO: Tass Jansen has designed and built stone mills with his late father, Roger Jansen and brother Larry, for over 30 years. Tass and Larry have carried on Jansen Gristmills determined to not only revive the craft of stone milling but also teach the skills of dressing one’s stones. Tass and Roger built the mills for Natural Bridge Bakery (1994-2008), and those mills were foundational to the beginnings of both Carolina Ground and Farm and Sparrow. Tass has maintained Carolina Ground’s mills since its inception.