A Deep Dive Into the Flavor and Lineage of Grain with Glenn Roberts

A Deep Dive Into the Flavor and Lineage of Grain with Glenn Roberts


Join Glenn Roberts, one of the leading purveyors of heritage and landrace grains, as he shares his wealth of knowledge of the history and context of flavor, taking us on a deep dive into place-based identity-preserved landrace bread wheats, ryes, and barleys.

When/where: Saturday, April 26th // 12:30 - 2:00 pm // White Labs Auditorium (Culture Room), 172 South Charlotte Street Asheville, NC, 28801

Instructor: Glenn Roberts founded Anson Mills in 1998 in Charleston, South Carolina, to rematriate lost foods of the 18th and 19th century Southern Pantry. Today Anson Mills grows and produces artisan organic landrace grain, legume, and oil seed ingredients for chefs and home cooks worldwide and provides culinary research support for pastry chefs, bakers, brewers, and distillers through Anson Mills Research Lab. Anson Mills provides pro bono seed biosecurity for the growing community of Southern organic place based identity preserved landrace crop farmers. Glenn is a recipient of the USA Artisan of the Year and National Pathfinder Awards and a founding member of the Carolina Gold Rice Foundation.

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